A society’s foundations are erected when its members reach an agreement on the fundamentals, when we understand that the general prevails over the individual, and when respect between the rulers and the ruled is anchored in the group’s conscience. The State, making use of the constitutional mandate, orders and directs so that the rights of its stakeholders are guaranteed through policies designed for said purpose. In this scenario, we are the main actors, always yearning for the State to provide us with the best possible tools for our well-being.
But, should the State provide us with everything? The contribution of its citizens is one of the most valuable offerings for a country that aims to have a social organization that is fair, equitable, and respectful of the rights of others. To claim that the responsibility for peaceful and harmonious coexistence lies in the hands of the potentate is like expecting the father to bear the son until his adulthood.
Habits as simple as taking care of rainwater gutters, looking after traffic signs, not burning or dumping garbage, not vandalizing benches or other recreational items in parks, maintaining school equipment in good condition, not defiling the city’s walls, not destroying bus stops, not speeding through a red light, not driving in the wrong direction, parking your vehicle correctly, returning the market shopping cart to its place, keenly looking after nature and the environment -among others- would make us a great nation. Actions such as these are the duty of a good citizen and it is not possible to teach each specific information, excluding the elementary principles that distinguish us from other species.
It is not enough to enroll the child in school; it is necessary to set a good example and exercise daily civility both inside and outside the home. Perhaps observing these elementary rules of courtesy will allow them to be considered citizens of the world in the future, capable of adapting, teaching and not violating the rights of others. It is not possible to build a nation without actions contributing towards a better life. We are all committed to taking care of the goods and services provided for their use and enjoyment, and to eradicate any behavior that is contrary thereto. It is a grave mistake to believe only the State should do this; without exception, we all have a part to play and contribute. Our debt with society, our family and with ourselves is unavoidable, to fail to address it in a timely manner is to be permanently standing on the edge of an abyss.